Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Home Remedies For Bad Breath

Don’t worry if someone has ever told you that you have bad breath….sometimes you can fix it yourself, and you don’t need to feel embarrassed, either. It is very difficult to sense your own breath,’ says Mathew Messina, DDS.

Try the tips below, if you don’t notice a change in few weeks, go and see your doctor or dentist. Bad breath can be caused by illness—including tonsil issues and stomach reflux—or medicine.
‘Sinus infections, liver infections, lung and kidney infections are related to bad breath,’Messina says.

1.      Scrape your tongue
Brushing alone may not fix the problem of bad breath, because food particles can also be housed on the tongue. To get rid of particles on the tongue, brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper when you brush your teeth.
2.      Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables can help cleans the mouth of food particles that can cling to your teeth and tongue between meals. Fruits also help to scrape the plaque buildup and fights bacteria in the mouth. Avoid too much of sugar containing foods because it can cause some bacteria in your mouth to be overfed, which trigger off an dour.
3.      Chew Gum
Some people believe chewing gum will mask their bad breath. But chewing it too much can even do more. It can help you make more saliva—and sugar. You are giving enough sugar for the bacteria in the mouth which causes bad breath.
4.      Fight Dry Mouth
Bad breath is common with dry mouth. You may find relieve if you use artificial saliva and drink plenty of water.
Many medicines can cause dry mouth. If you go on medication and suddenly your mouth is really dry, talk to your doctor to see if another medication would do the same thing,’ Messina says,’ Today, there is very rarely one drug that does one thing,’
Also, some people breathe through their mouths. This dries out the teeth and tongue, and can cause odors. Sometimes, an over-the-counter nasal decongestant or allergy pill can help you breathe easier.

Smoking can also give you dry mouths. If you quit your breathe won’t smell like cigarette anymore, and you should make more saliva again. That will also help fight the odour.

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