Saturday, 2 January 2016

Media Africa: Robbers arrested after they broke into Ondo Bank a...

Media Africa: Robbers arrested after they broke into Ondo Bank a...: Four suspected armed rob­bers who were alleged to be members of a gang who broke into a branch of an old generation bank in Ilututu area...

Smoking: the biggest causes of death in the world.

Colorful Vegetables On Wooden Background
Smoking is the biggest causes of death in the world. Every year thousands of people die from smoking, with many more deaths caused by smoking related illnesses.

Smoking increases your risk of developing more than 50 serious health conditions. Some may be fatal and others can cause irreversible long-term damage to your health.

You can become ill:-
1. If you smoke yourself
2. Through other people's smoke (passive or second hand smoke)

Health Risks of Smoking

Smoking causes about 90% of lung cancers. It also causes Cancer in many parts of the body, including mouth, lips, throat, voice box, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, etc.

Senator Ben Murray-Bruce and his daughter at the Headies

 Senator Ben-Murray Bruce took his daughter, Jasmine Murray-Bruce, as his date to the Headies

Robbers arrested after they broke into Ondo Bank and met empty vault.

Four suspected armed rob­bers who were alleged to be members of a gang who broke into a branch of an old generation bank in Ilututu area of Ondo State, on Christmas eve, have said that they were shocked when they opened the bank’s vault and discovered that it was empty.

Interpersonal Communication

Image Of Business Partners Handshaking Over Business Objects On Workplace

If there is any great secret of success in life, it  lies in the ability to put yourself in the other person's place and to see things from his point of view - as well as your own.
                              - Henry Ford

Definition of Interpersonal Communication

Communication that occur between people who have known each other for some time.

Uses of interpersonal Communication

*  Gaining Information about others
*  Bulding a Context of Understanding
*  Relationship Messages
*  Interpersonal Needs

The Secret to shiny, full hair

Hair is one of the fastest growing tissues of our body.The hair is made of two parts: the follicle
, which anchors the hair to the scalp, located under the skin and the shaft , which stands above the scalp and composed primarily of  a protein called keratin. Keratin is produced by the cells of the follicle. The key to a healthy hair is to ensure the follicle cells are well nourished.

Because the cells divides every 23 to 72 hours, they require adequate flow of blood and a good supply of nutrients for the growth and development of these cells.Healthy hair is a general sign of good health., while brittle , dry hair could indicate a nutritional deficiency.

Feed well to look Good

We all want to look good to feel good. There are diets and lifestyle choices that can dramatically affect our external features like body size, hair, skin and nails.

While cannot evaluate the health of our internal tissues with our naked eyes, our hair , nails and skin can always give us clue of into the overall health of our body because they reflect our nutritional

SKills Required of Youth for Leadership

Leadership is one skill you require to be successful in any endeavour. Leadership develops daily and it develops from inside out. The future of any business lies in the person who holds the business and someone with a vision.

The skills are:-
Communications: Excellent communication skills is very essential to a successful business. The entrepreneur requires this to communicate his ideas across to his audience. Such ideas must expressed and conveyed in clear and lucid manner in order to create no room for ambiguity. The budding entrepreneur must always give the people something to feel, Something to remember and something to do.

Hindrances to youth Empowerment

Young Business Partners Applauding To Reporter After Listening To Presentation At Seminar
Irrespective of the benefits associated with entrepreneurship, there are a lot of barriers that have prevented youths from realizing their full potentials and assuming leadership position in the society.

(1). Absence of Infrastructural Facilities: It is a universal belief that certain basic infrastructural facilities aid the development of the mind and body and assist productivity in any environment. These facilities have been identified as good roads, good water supply, constant power, access to information and communication technology .

(2). Inadequate Working Capital
(3). Low standard of Education
(4). Lack of adequate training

Eat well for good Liver function

Close-up Of Pretty Girl Eating Fresh Vegetable Salad
The liver is the largest organ in the body. The liver perform multiple functions to keep the body pure of toxin and harmful substances. The liver produces bile, a substance needed to digest fat.
Other functions of the liver includes:-
* Detoxification of the blood to remove harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs.
* Stores vitamins, iron and glucose.

Objectives of Business

Young Business Partners Applauding To Reporter After Listening To Presentation At Seminar
1.  Profit- The aim of an organization is to make profit
2.  Survival- Every business must have a goal to continue to survive or exit;
3. Growth- A business must not  only survive, but it must have as a goal to be the biggest.
4. Market share- Every business concern must be able to carry out its market share to control
     in terms of market coverage and patronage of its products and services;
5. Productivity-  It must continue to produce; (Hence, location near raw materials)
6. Innovation- Business must try to see that it's the first and best to bring up new ideas ; (MTN/GLO)
7. Employees welfare - Business must maximally want to take care of its workers;
8. Service to customers- Consumers are well satisfy as another objective of my business concern;  and
9. Social Responsibility- Apart from doing 1-8 it must do to  other things that people around the business must benefit.

Entrepreneurship as a Business activity

Image Of Young African Couple Spending Free Time At Home
Entrepreneurship activities is geared towards identifying an innovative business idea, to sieze an opportunity, mobilize money and management skills; and take calculated risk to open markets for new products, processes and services.

Brown et all (1997. quoted in Love, 2009) states that, business is all activities of an individuals in producing and distributing goods and services to customers. According to them, an entrepreneur or a business wants to identify the needs , wants,goals, values etc. of the potential and prospective buyer or consumer with a view to developing a product or service that would be tailored to satisfying these needs, wants, goals, values etc. The business of entrepreneur therefore involves the following activities.

Characteristic of Business

Business has some or these entire characteristic:
1.  Exchange sale or transfer of goods and services: For every business there must be exchange of goods and services for money. MTN /Bakery/Artist/Provision seller.
2. Profit Motive: For every business activities undertaken, it is for profit making motive. However, profitable organizations and some Corporations are established to provide services.
3. Dealing in goods and services: For every organization that is business oriented, it must produce goods and services.
4. Continuity and Regularity: A business undertaken must always be in business and not on and off.

3 Common Principles to work

1. Reduce ClutterPretty Office Lady Analyzing Financial Documents In Office
     *  Get rid of anything that wastes time, space, energy or money
2. Create systems that make daily job easier
      *  Develop effective routines and standard procedures.
3.  Simplify daily responsibilities
       *  Reduce amount of time and energy spent on routine activities.

*  Anything that decreases your productivity and your effectiveness.
*  Whatever distracts you from your top priorities.
*  2 types
         * Internal and self generated (easy to control)
         * External ( more difficult to control)

1.  Lack of planning
2. Lack of self  management
3. Lack of control over your work
4. Lack of policies schedule into the day

* What are my highest value activities?
* What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference?
* What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
* What is it in me, that is holding me back?

Setting and Achieving Personal Goals

Portrait Of Pretty Student Looking At Camera While Working In College Library
"There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to achieve it."
  -  Napoleon Hill

Why setting Personal Goals?

*Without personal goals, life will be an aimless journey lacking direction and achievement.
*Life is a long journey and we need to have a sense of direction of where we want to go.

Benefits of Personal Goal Setting

* It gives sense of purpose and security.
* Leads to focused acquisition of knowledge.
* Helps maximize use of time and resources.
* Generates high enthusiasm for what you want
* Moves you steadily towards achieving the results you want.
* Boosts self esteem, confidence and believe that you can perform.

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

Vertical Shot Of An Office Lady Being Depressed With The Current Business Situation
Brown and Clow(1987, quoted in Love, 2009) sees an entrepreneur as a person who recognizes a business opportunity and who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business enterprise focusing on that business opportunity.

An entrepreneur has the following common characteristic:
   * Desire for Independence;
   * Self confidence;
   * Willingness to take risk;
   * Ability to recognize opportunity.


Vertical Shot Of An Office Lady Being Depressed With The Current Business Situation
"Management is nothing more than motivating other people."
      - Lee Iacocca

Managing others encompasses

  *  Managing up
  *  Managing sideways
  *  Managing down