Saturday, 2 January 2016

Feed well to look Good

We all want to look good to feel good. There are diets and lifestyle choices that can dramatically affect our external features like body size, hair, skin and nails.

While cannot evaluate the health of our internal tissues with our naked eyes, our hair , nails and skin can always give us clue of into the overall health of our body because they reflect our nutritional

Our health is partially determined by genetics, that means most of it is within our control. Balanced nutrition allows the body to produce healthy and strong cells to replace damaged of worn-out cells.The best way to ensure that our cells have the rich supply of nutrients they need is to eat a nutrient diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats, every day, without exceeding recommended kilojoule intakes.

Close-up Of Pretty Girl Eating Fresh Vegetable Salad
To look your best very day:-

1. Get enough sleep
2. Quit smoking if you smokes
3. Drink enough water to stay hydrated
4. Eat a balanced diet
5. Get regular physical exercise

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