Many people have never even heard of guava, one of the most unheard of yet so incredible frits, that originates from South Mexico. Guava is mostly grown in the tropical areas of South America, Bahamas, Bermuda, South Florida, and the West Indies.
Guava is a very full and sweet tasting fruit with a powerful smell, and that’s why South American nations have been using it for their desserts, the most popular one being cascos de guayaba (stewed guava). This popular dessert is made by removing the pulp from the guava fruit, draining all juices, and leaving only the outer “shells” which are then cooked with fresh water and sugar.
However, the reason why this dessert is so popular in South America is not only because it tastes amazing and sweet, but guava is also incredibly beneficial to your health and body and it can be used to treat and relieve a number of health conditions.
What guava can help you with?
1. If you are feeling constipated
The guava fruit is one of the largest suppliers of fibers, and that’s why it can be used as a natural laxative. Guava seeds, either directly ingested or chewed, can provide your body with enough fiber to naturally restore a healthy balance in bowel movements. By using guava seeds you will be supplying your body with an all-natural laxative which will get rid of your constipation and let your body flush all the toxins accumulated in it.
2. If you are fighting cancer
As found by the Journal of Medicinal Food the guava fruit can obstruct the signals in your body that are needed for your cancer to spread. This, combined with other nutrients found in guava, makes this amazing fruit a great food that can be used for cancer prevention and relief.
Extract from the guava fruit is particularly effective with colon, prostate and gastric cancer. The reason behind this is that guava triggers the apoptosis process in your body, which is your body’s natural mechanism for fighting cancer cells.
Guava extract has also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of prostate cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancer as it helps to encourage a certain type of programmed cell death called apoptosis in cancer cells.
Guava extract has also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of prostate cancer, gastric cancer and colon cancer as it helps to encourage a certain type of programmed cell death called apoptosis in cancer cells.
3. If you have diabetes
Regardless whether you were already diagnosed with diabetes or you simply want to do all that’s in your power to prevent it from ever occurring, you should try using guava more often. Guava tea can help you lower the glucose levels in your blood because it has been proven to slow down sugar consumption in the gastrointestinal tract.
According to The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, guava juice can both used as a preventive measure, as well as a treatment to severe cases of diabetes. That’s why you should try introducing guava to your daily diet if you want to stay on the safe side.
4. If you want to lose weight
If you have been struggling with extra weight, guava is perfect for you. The guava fruit contains high amounts of fiber and proteins which can make you feel full and reduce the need for extra food, leading to significant weight loss if used regularly. Furthermore, the guava fruit scores very low on the glycemic index, i.e. the carbohydrates contained in low glycemic foods are digested more slowly and naturally, without causing any drastic raises in blood sugar and insulin levels, which results in a balanced appetite.
If you are still unconvinced, you might want to check out the study from the Malaysian Journal of Nutrition during which half of participants were fed pink guava puree for 6 weeks, which led to a more noticeably higher weight loss, as opposed to the control group.
5. If you are having problems with your thyroid
5. If you are having problems with your thyroid
The guava fruit is rich in copper, one of the most important elements behind thyroid regulation. Guava will restore the balance in your hormone formation and digestion, by directly affecting your thyroid gland. That’s why, if you are having problems with your thyroid operation you should try guava.
6. If you want to keep your heart healthy
The guava plant can also help you keep your heart healthy, because it reduces your blood pressure, triglycerides and your LDL-cholesterol. Furthermore, guava will also increase the amount of HDL-cholesterol which is what eliminates the dangerous LDL cholesterol in your body.
There are two studies supporting this claim. The first was published in the Malaysian Journal of Nutrition and showed that guava, apart from balancing your appetite and blood sugar levels, can also help your preserve your heart and improve its operation. The second is a research of the Journal of Human Hypertension, which showed that guava can reduce your triglycerides by 7%, and your cholesterol by 7.9%, due to the potassium and fiber found in the fruit which also significantly improve your blood pressure, as well as reduce tension and anxiety.
7. If you have fatty liver disease
If you suffer from fatty liver disease, it means that your body is unable to properly break down the fats ingested in it, resulting in fat buildup in your liver. The cause of fatty liver disease can be found a number of health conditions like insufficient thyroid activity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, sleep apnea, or diabetes, but whatever the cause behind it, fatty liver disease is a serious illness which can lead to cardiac attacks and strokes.
That’s why it is very important to treat this liver disease as soon as possible. According to a research of the Nutrition and Metabolism Journal, all it takes is 2g of guava leaf extract a day, to counteract the fat accumulation in your liver and improve the adiponectin consumption in your liver which causes better fat burn and glucose use.
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