Monday, 2 January 2017

3 Main Causes of breast Cancer.

It is not a research paper with a lot of facts and references. I just want to share the information which I feel everybody should know. Do not believe me blindly explore the topic online in detail yourself and come to an informed conclusion.

Do you know it is possible to identify the factors that are responsible for the dramatic increase in the incidence of breast cancer? unfortunately, the medical "establishment" has other agenda complicated and little related to the real causes. And, as usual, prevention and treatment offered by them more like the extinguishing of fire with kerosene.

It is interesting that many companies produce most potent carcinogens in the form of pesticides, fungicides and other highly toxic materials and anti-cancer drugs. These companies are involved in the misinformation of the population about the real causes of cancer. For example, AstraZeneca organizes National Brest Cancer Awareness Month (since 1985) - national breast cancer awareness where the main theme is a call for women to have a mammogram.

Breast mammography presented as the only way to fight breast cancer. This leads to very bad, but the obvious conclusion that, as a big business, the company is not interested in reducing the number of sick women who bring billions of dollars by undergoing mammogram (a mammogram cost in the US is around $ 150. If the 70 million women in America over 40 do it annually $ 10 billion business!!!). Since the "good" intentions of the Big Pharma cannot be trusted that every woman should rely on themselves, should know the real reasons causing breast cancer and its prevention.

Among the many reasons 3 main causes leads to breast cancer 

1. Mammograms
2. Deodorants
3. Bras


Dr. Charles Simone is convinced that mammograms do not only increase the possibility of breast cancer, but also promote metastasis of existing cancers. A mammogram is a breast carcinogen exposure of tissues especially in pre menopause women’s hypersensitive breast tissue causing cumulative effect. The more mammograms a woman does, the more endanger herself. It is established that each mammogram increases the risk of disease by 2%, i.e. after 10 years of regular mammograms this probability will increase by 20%.
Other interesting statistics: in 1995, the British medical journal The Lancet published statistics where it says regular mammograms population from 1983 cases of breast carcinoma (12% of all breast cancers) have increased by 328% from 200% of which is associated with the use of mammograms. Why "establishment" continues to promote this harmful diagnosis? 

Mammogram is nothing but the creation of "returning regulars" for the diagnosis and the creation of large army of patients who need treatment. There is much more efficient examination available unlike mammograms with its 70% of false positive results (causing a lot of stress in women and following this invasive biopsy). Advanced Thermography this diagnosis is completely harmless and diagnoses the appearance of cancer much earlier because it determines the early stage angiogenesis (formation of own blood vessels of the tumor). 


Our body gets rid of toxins releasing them later in the groin, armpits, under the knees. When we use deodorants it interfering this natural process. As a result, the toxins have nowhere to go, and they are concentrated in the lymph nodes. It is interesting that the vast majority of breast cancer localized in the upper outer quarter where lymph nodes are located. At the same time, we are still bombarding the area with additional toxins contained in deodorants such as aluminum, hydrochloride and various parabens. 

In one study conducted among 400 patients with breast cancer in 2004 in Chicago, it was found that women who often do the procedure ill on average 22 years earlier than those who did not or did not so often. The reason is that while shaving armpits in the skin micropores are formed through which passes aluminum chlorohydrate and parabens in the lymph nodes from deodorant. Today, you can find a deodorant without parabens and aluminum hydrochloride and thereby significantly reduce the toxic attack on the auxiliary lymph nodes.


Correlation wearing a bra and breast cancer is 4 times higher than that between smoking and lung cancer. In 1977 the Fiji Islands anthropologist Sidney Singer conducted a study which compared the cases of women who wore bras and those who did not wear them. Among wearing incidence rate was close to the US performance and there was virtually no incidence among non-wearing. It has been found that if a woman wearing bra 24 hours increases 3/4 probability of disease if more than 12 hours a day 1/7th and 12 hours a day then 1/152 probability of causing disease.

Wearing bra Long duration enhances the secretion of the hormone prolactin which reduces circulation in the breast tissue and thereby drastically reducing the natural excretion of carcinogenic toxins that accumulate in the lymph nodes of the chest. Also, the physical compression of tissue tight bras significantly impair lymphatic drainage by numerous lymphatic ducts by which the breast maintains its internal environment healthy. Therefore, you should try to wear a bra as little as possible those models, which are less compress the chest outside where there are many milk ducts.

To summarize the above, bras excerpts pressure limiting the circulation of lymph and hinders normal elimination of toxins. In turn toxins from deodorants (parabens, aluminum, etc.) penetrate into the surrounding breast tissue thus significantly worsening the situation. Then the women annually are exposed to additional harmful effects of X-ray mammography. It looks like a sure recipe for getting breast cancer. Also, we must not forget the "synthetic" estrogens that surround us every day like bisphenol A a known carcinogen and cause infertility, which is in plastic bottles and other household plastic. These pseudo-estrogens cause chaos in the hormonal system and cause cancer 
Other important factors contributing to the occurrence of breast cancer include; a lack of vitamin D, Omega 3, Selenium, Magnesium in the body, obesity (estrogen accumulates in the fat cells), poor nutrition and of course stress.

I would like to conclude optimistically: many have been able to cure breast cancer themselves (and other cancers) only by a radical change in lifestyle, with help of herbs and diet. The scientific foundation of this approach to cancer treatment has been proven in practice and also results of many studies that confirm that cancer - a dysfunction of the cells resulting from toxicity and lack of nutrients.

Cancer cells can be eliminated or reversed if the cells of the body receive all necessary environment and things for its normal functioning. Another essential factor is to reduce the exposure of toxic substances by improving the habitats (home, life, work) and cleanse the body with a mild detoxification activities and proper diet.

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