Welcome to Open Education Nigeria Initiative.
Open Education Nigeria is a premier online tutorial centre for university programmes and professional education with online classes and lessons published to help Nigerian students gain adequate knowledge of the university courses before he / she gains admissions into higher institution.
The platform and courses have been designed to accommodate both university and non university students, which means that anyone can enroll to take online classes in any programme of his or her choice.
Application form for Coordinators
Please complete the information / questionnaire below:
We would like to get answers to some vital questions attach to this email before you are accepted as a coordinator in your state.
Notice! your answers to the following questions will determine your approval / disapproval as one of the states coordinator for Open Education Nigeria.
Please complete the following Questionnaire
1. Where do you reside currently? (Local government/state)
2. what do you do for a living?
3. Any office address?
4. Phone no.
5. Your highest educational qualification (to applicants whose CV's weren't submitted)
6. Home Address / Office Adress:
7. Attach a copy of your paasport photo and any valid government issued id card, drivers licensed, international passport, voters card etc or Utility bill.
Job Descriptions
As a coordinator, your job is to recruit sub-agents, business centres, promote open education within your state via any means affordable for your budget/commissions, via online platform or internet and indicate your office/contacts where people can reach you easily. You can also promote your interest via any of the agents under your management within your state.
As a coordinator your success depends solely on your sub-agents/business centres under your management. The more number of agents under your care the better your earnings.
Your earning will be tracked with the students email which gives you the opportunity to keep earning even when you stop working as we will keep deducting your commission as long as the students keep paying for his tutorials from year 1 to final year.
You will get an agency code from us for each business centre when you return this form via email to us. Please send completed questionnaire to admin@openeducationnigeria.com
Please read carefully and return the completed questionnaire above.
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