Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Job searching: Secrets of Great Resume- Part 2

Creating a Professional Image

The first impression is everything when it comes to hiring.If the hiring manage opens your resume and sees grammatical error or errors of any kind in your resume he or she will have created a first impression before reading a single word of your resume.In the world of job seeking, creating a professional image and good first impression is the first hurdle you need to pass on your way to your new job.

Highlighting your Achievements and  Value Added Skills:

There is a difference between an average resume, a good resume and a great resume.Being able to identify your key achievements and skills (both tangible and intangible) that you have to offer is what makes a great resume.where most people fail with their resume is that they concentrate too much on daily duties and responsibilities instead of concentrating on achievements and skills which will add value to the organization. Citing an example where applicable will give you an automatic edge over your competititors.

Should I include a picture in my Resume?

When it comes to putting a picture on resume or CV, it varies from one country to another.In the United Kingdom you would never include picture on a resume, whereas in in France and Germany is required.Many Asian countries also attach pictures with their resume.In the US and Australia it is not recommended. My personal opinion is to leave your picture off your resume.The most important aspect of your resume is the content than what you look like.

With any resume, focus your content on achievements and skills,experience and expertise you can add to the business. Never lie about your achievements and qualifications because sooner or later it will be exposed and result in dismissal or legal action.

To be continued...

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